How To Stop Smoking - Once and For All!

Cigarrest to Stop Smokinn in 7 Days!  

Get With a Program

There are many smoking cessation programs that could help, some are psychological in nature, some scientific, and some practical. Find one that suits you. There are nicotine patches that help ease the withdrawal from nicotine. There are also counseling groups that could give you support in your cessation endeavors.

Go Slow

Your craving for cigarette will not go away all of a sudden. In fact, you could end up wanting a smoke even after years of abstinence. That is why it is not advisable to go through the ‘quit cold turkey’ routine. Some people try steadily lessening the number of cigarettes they smoke per day. They then limit their intake per week, then per month, until they have kicked the smoking habit altogether.

If you quit cold turkey, you run the risk of being able to abstain for days or even weeks, but when you crack; you’re going to go on a smoking tear. As said earlier, smoking cessation is a process. Take it easy, but take it seriously. It took you a long time to learn this habit, it may take you a long time to unlearn it, but the health benefits and the freedom from the strangling wisps of cigarette smoke is well worth it.

Quitting your smoking problem is not easy. It is not impossible either. Get support from your friends and put your heart and mind into getting healthier today!


Making smokers quit the habit is not an easy task. Of the four out of 10 who attempt to do so a high percentage goes back to smoking after their initial attempts fail.

However, those who succeed are characterized by persistence in trying to quit - these are the individuals who mount attempt after attempt before they are finally able to drop smoking permanently. And for good reason: heart disease and lung-cancer deaths claim the lives of over 100,000 smokers each in the US every year. Smokers are twice as likely to have a heart attack compared to nonsmokers, and are more likely to die from it than their counterparts.

Following the US surgeon general's initial warning in 1964 about the health impact of smoking, over 45 million smokers have already dropped the habit. A decline in social acceptance, higher tobacco product prices and greater knowledge of the ill effects are continuing to make cigarettes less popular over the last few years.

Since nicotine is the one addictive element in cigarettes that makes it hard to quit, recognition of this psychoactive drug's effect will help a smoker overcome physiological barriers to quitting. Irritability, depression and other withdrawal symptoms will emerge, although they usually are strong only over the first few days an individual stops smoking, and eventually diminish as more days pass without the smoker lighting up.

The craving for nicotine can be addressed by using nicotine patches, nicotine gum, nasal sprays and other similar smoking cessation products. These aids help a quitter increase the likelihood of success in completely turning away from the habit.

Smoking is usually built into the daily routine of an individual. Changing one's routine then can also help the quitting process. As an example: someone who smokes during a mid-afternoon break can choose to change the time the break is taken. For those who smoke after a cup of coffee, changing to tea or any other beverage could help eliminate smoking. This change of habit could be long-term, but consciously doing so may help a smoker advance attempts to quit.

Many successful quitters say they could not have done so without outside help. Family, friends and even co-employees are often strong sources of moral support, particularly those who have also gone through the process. For more long-term or heavy smokers, they may need to consult psychotherapists and other health services providers or attend non-smoking clinics to help them manage the transition.

Smoking-cessation facilitator Saundra Mucker of the Park DuValle Community Health Center in Louisville, KY notes that such help should not be preachy or imposing, as this could instead make a potential quitter decide to give up the program and continue smoking. Once an individual has decided on quitting, Mucker adds that "total, unconditional support" is needed.

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