How To Stop Smoking - Once and For All!

Cigarrest to Stop Smokinn in 7 Days!  

What adds to the addiction to smoke cigarettes is the psychological pleasure or satisfaction a smoker gains when puffing a cigarette. Smokers describe smoking as a "pat-on-the-back" after a hard day's work. One smoker confesses that it is not the taste of the cigarette; it is actually the sense of satisfaction that you get from it that keeps you smoking. Studies have also shown that depression is twice as common to people who smoke against those who do not smoke. Some also use cigarettes as an ersatz activity to pass time and be patient. Just like in war movies, when a soldier is waiting for the signal to attack, he is seen as holding a gun on one hand and a cigarette on the other.

Nicotine triggers the smoker's brain to be more efficient in processing information. It also reduces anxiety and induces euphoria. Researches have also shown that nicotine induces alertness and arousal, and sedation and relaxation based on the dose of nicotine intake. These effects, though, do not outweigh the harmful effect of nicotine addiction, which is lung cancer, and possibly other ailments, which will all eventually lead to death.

People who cannot stop from smoking may see it the other way around. They may be blinded by the short-term effects of nicotine. Aside from nicotine, smokers rarely know that a cigarette contains acetylene (fuel used in welding), cyanide, nitrogen oxide, and carbon monoxide, all of which are harmful chemicals. These chemicals are also used as poison.

Psychosocial factors also contribute on why people continue to smoke. Persons surrounded by people who smoke, like family and friends, can soon develop the habit of smoking. And as its addictive nature, the smoker will have a hard time quitting the habit. An environment permissive and indifferent towards cigarette smoking will produce significant numbers of smokers.

Recently, researchers have reported that genetic variables also play a role on why people keep on smoking. These genetic variables affect the tendency of a person to smoke to the chances of quitting.

Given the many facts and figures related to the hazards of smoking cigarettes, the percentage of smokers has not experienced any considerable decrease. In fact, it continues to increase. The World Health Organization has estimated that by year 2020, tobacco will kill more people than any single disease in the world.

Educating the people about the dangers of smoking doesn't seem to strike sense out of smokers. For some smokers, thinking that smoking is directly related to lung cancer and eventually death is a myth yet to be proven.

But whatever the reason why smokers have why they still make smoking a habit will never justify that smoking is indeed an addiction, and sooner or later, this will eventually cause death.

Why is it Hard to Quit Smoking

Smoking is emerging to be one of the major causes of death in the modern world. This is attributed to the growing consumers of tobacco. Tobacco is responsible for the death of 1 in 10 adults all over the world, which translates to around 5 million deaths every year. It is because of this fact that cigarette smoking is now a public health priority.

As we mentioned previously, the boom in cigarette smoking occurred sometime during the First World War. Tobacco companies were successful in including their products as part of the military ration. At the time, soldiers under the stress of warfare took up smoking. And since then, the tobacco industry has grown through an increased consumer patronage all over the world.

With the prevalence of cigarette smoking came its adverse health effects on its consumers. Smoking poses dangers directly and indirectly to the public. An indirect public health concern that cigarettes may pose is accidental fire. As for the health risks in smoking tobacco, the disease mainly strikes the cardiovascular system, resulting to heart attack, respiratory tract diseases, and even cancer.

In spite of these risks, the number of cigarette smokers all other the world has not dropped considerably. Though several smokers claim to have been meaning to quit this habit, they just find it so difficult. The fact is that after smoking for quite sometime, quitting smoking will prove to be very hard, but not impossible.

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